Customer Value Resources

Customer value resources for the so-called new normal can help you pivot successfully.

Everyone saw a sudden convergence of urgent needs in digital experience, employee experience and customer experience.

Certainly, many things deemed as nice-to-have previously are now clearly must-haves.

In these quick chats with Certified Customer Experience Professionals, you’ll find customer value resources to leapfrog outdated ways.

DX + EX + CX in the 2020s: Vital or Trival?

Roberta O'Keith, CCXPHear customer value advice (9 min) from Roberta O’Keith, creator of Jump 180 Podcast and head of ROK Advisors. Leading to these roles, she was Customer Experience Leader at MHC Kenworth, Senior Director of Customer Experience Consulting at Confirmit, Business Excellence & Innovation Leader at Black & Veatch, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt at GE Power & Water. Roberta is a Certified Customer Experience Professional (CCXP).

“Just as consumers have come to expect certain ease of doing business methods as a way of life going forward, employees will prefer employers who offer flexibility. Employers are faced with ‘how do we pivot and be flexible for employees who are more productive working from home?’. An open line of communication is needed between employees and leadership to determine what is best for employees.”

“Employees need to become more self-aware of what they’re good at and not good at in a less structured environment. They will be seeking out more personal development. They need training around time management to be work more efficiently at home.”

“Employers need to become more trusting. If the work is getting done, regardless of amount of time required, managers need to learn how to trust. Companies that micro-manage will have lower employee engagement, and those that are more trusting and flexible will have high engagement.”

Roberta O'Keith, CCXP, Jump 180 Podcast & ROK Advisors

What are Operations Silos & Execution Silos?

Learn why silo-smoothing should be central to your customer experience strategy.

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Michael Poulin, CCXPHear customer value advice (8 min) from Michael Poulin, Director of Marketing & Membership at CAA Saskatchewan. Leading to this role, he was head of Poulin Strategy, Manager of Advertising & Branding at Conexus Credit Union, Director of Qualitative Research at Arcas Group. Michael is a Certified Customer Experience Professional (CCXP).

“Companies that can develop and deliver brand trust are going to win. The customer experience is the delivery, and your branding and marketing are the promise. The promise and delivery must match. Otherwise you erode brand trust by promising one thing and delivering something else.”

“Employees are the foundation of the brand. If you can get them focused on putting the customer first, then customer-centricity feeds upward and is eventually reflected in your marketing. Our stance is to ask ourselves what can we do to create a great experience for our employees that will then translate into a great experience for customers. Digital is an extension of that, rather than being the foundation.”

Michael Poulin, CCXP, CAA Saskatchewan

Building Trust

Discover your trust profile & 4 trust components for stronger relationships with internal or external customers.

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Felipe Jurjevic, CCXPHear customer value advice (7 min) from Felipe Jurjevic, Director at Empath and Business Partner at BCN School. Leading to these roles, he was Commercial Director at La Voz del Servicio. Felipe is a Certified Customer Experience Professional (CCXP), the first person to achieve this credential in Chile.

“Not having clarity is a big problem. Leaders need to trust employees’ capacity to do what’s been asked. It’s not the amount of time worked, but that the goal was reached within the time expected. Leaders that are capable of giving continuous feedback have teams that are much less anxious and less over-worked.”

“Leaders need to be aligned with the company purpose. I go to work not only to be paid, but to make a contribution. When I see that I have the trust of my employer and I can see how I can be accountable for my goals, that inspires me to give much more and it’s more fulfilling for me: that’s a win-win situation.”

“When people are empowered, they dare to take a risk because they see they’re backed by their team members and their boss, to help customers be more satisfied.”

Felipe Jurjevic, CCXP, Empath

Interaction Bridges

Discover 2 factors that tell you how to gain cooperation from anyone.

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Francisco Zapata CCXPHear customer value advice (12 min) from Francisco Zapata, head of Customer Experience at Rokkets and Kentricos, and Customer Experience Professor at MBA SEDA Executive Education. Leading to these roles, he was Chief Customer Officer at Locaweb and Technology Manager & Consultant at Accenture do Brasil. Francisco is a Certified Customer Experience Professional (CCXP).

“Everyone was forced to digitize everything. So you could see older people who did not want to enter the digital world being forced to do so, to look for food and information about their families, to look for connection and help in any way. That first moment was an open door for anybody to enter the digital world.”

“Several companies saw that they could help those people who just began to use digitization for everything, to help them get the most value. By helping them get a good customer experience, these brands appeared more for these customers.”

“Instead of just making the same process from the physical world, they added value, for the best digital experience possible. After the pandemic, these better experiences must prevail or customers will go back to old ways and we will have lost this value.”

Francisco Zapata, CCXP, Rokkets

New Segmentation for New Times

Shift from traditional methods to expectations segmentation for enterprise nimbleness.

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Jen Wright, CCXPHear customer value advice (8 min) from Jen Wright, Director of Experience Analytics at Magellan Health. Leading to this role, she was Branch Chief of Business Analytics & Voice of Customer at National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency and CX, Consumer Psychology & Communications Consultant at Altisource Portfolio Solutions. Jen has a PhD in Industrial & Organizational Psychology and she is a Certified Customer Experience Professional (CCXP).

“I’m finding an increased appetite for the data. People want to know whether interventions we’re delivering are helping with the crisis. There’s actually data available to us that we haven’t been capitalizing on. The more we mine the existing data, the more people see there’s value here, and this is creating enthusiasm and interest for customer experience.”

“Our internal customer service personnel are a wealth of information. They know what customers ask about, what common problems are reported. There are opportunities for basically merging customer experience and employee experience by talking with our own employees: ‘what are things you hear that we aren’t addressing through our current business processes?’.”

“We have to become more creative in using the data we have. The more we understand data, analytics and data science concepts, the more capable we’ll be.”

Jen Wright, CCXP, Magellan Health

4 Universal Keys to Smoothing Silos

Learn how you can influence silo-smoothing.

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Ian StokolHear customer value advice (10 min) from Ian Stokol, Customer Experience Senior Manager at Monash University. Leading to this role, he was Customer Experience Lead at House with No Steps, Customer Experience Delivery Manager at Officeworks, and Senior Digital Producer at BMW/Dentsu and Wilson Evergard Advertising. Ian has earned numerous certificates from Interaction Design Foundation and Certified Customer Experience Professional (CCXP).

“It’s really important to be listening — not to assume anything is the way it’s always going to be. Being able to contextualize the data to help the decision-making engine make confident decisions is the true value of customer data.”

“Rapid pivots in the digital space without the risk of bringing the whole business model down through some systemic failure are advantages of those who have loosely coupled technologies and are properly using agile teams.”

“The alternative to organizational agility is people working weekends to deliver things that change overnight, which exhausts teams. Appreciation for people’s mental health, security and safety is higher now. Today’s employee experience keys are transparency, timeliness and treating people maturely.”

Ian Stokol, CCXP, Monash University

Partnering Levels

Discover how to toggle across 3 partner levels for smoother interactions with internal or external customers.

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Somesh Chablani, CCXPHear customer value advice (9 min) from Somesh Chablani, Global Head of Business Development & Virtual Sales at FIS Global. Leading to this role, he was Vice President of Customer Experience and Customer Strategy. He has worked 25+ years in technology, IT services and financial services. Somesh is an MBA, Certified Sales Manager, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, and Certified Customer Experience Professional (CCXP).

“Every sales leader and business leader should focus on how to deliver the same experience from physical to digital.”

“Digitization must be useful, usable and enjoyable, from the customer’s point of view, to create good digital experience. The 3 Ds of DX are develop  customer relationships, data-driven decisions, and develop skills and talent.”

“Employee experience is becoming a new way of innovation. Employees are the lifeblood of your company. To build an A-plus team, the key is continual learning. Without this, employee churn or downward customer satisfaction scores eventually translate to customer attrition.”

“If you make your employees feel very valuable and continually learn, they will not only be loyal to you, but also ensure loyal customers.”

Somesh Chablani, CCXP, FIS Global

Change Management

Discover 5 templates for driving change by influence.

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ClearAction Value Exchange is your 24×7 mentor for customer value via ease-of-doing-business and ease-of-work.

“The ClearAction Value Exchange is a knowledge-building, knowledge-sharing, like-minded place to go. The most unique thing is the way it’s curated in a personalized way. It gives you an opportunity to interact with other members. You know you’re talking to people just like you trying to solve similar problems, trying to give and gain as much as you are.”

“I would definitely recommend the ClearAction Value Exchange because it is a treasure trove of tried-and-true practices.  The Solve-Spaces are really a unique thing: it’s quick and asks you some pointed questions and then gives you suggestions for taking a solution back to your teams.”

Milista Anderson, SVP Client Relations, FIS Global

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Customer Experience Annuities

Customer value resources are wasted in today’s customer experience management.

Why? Because most customer experience investments are remedies for things that went wrong.

Great customer experience is prevention of issues, so everyone saves time and money.

By stopping the need for remedies, you can redirect precious budget to higher customer value resources.

Here’s how you can enjoy customer experience annuities:

Customer value growth is strongest through customer experience annuities.

Therefore, customer experience annuities are a resource expander that leads to organic referrals and retention.

Learn more! Customer Experience Annuities white paper:

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Learn how to smooth silos!

Customer value is damaged by business silos.

 In fact, the root cause behind most employee and customer retention issues is silos!
Accordingly, silo-smoothing is the vital route to customer experience annuities.

Most people assume silos are solved only by technologies, but that’s not true!
See how YOU can smooth silos to generate customer experience annuities.

ClearAction Value Exchange helps you smooth silos!

You can access our customer value resources through subscription, coaching, assessments, application workshops, analyses, and more.

Tell us about your goals. Then we’ll show you how efficiently we can speed your progress.