The ClearAction Business-to-Business Customer Experience Management Benchmarking Study monitors the implementation of best practices in customer-focused management for sustainable high profitability.

New this year: advantages of adopting 6 success factors for better customer experience management and stronger business results.

Additional insights in each year’s theme:

This year’s study reveals success factors to world-class customer experience management (CEM):

  • Profit as one of the top three motivations for CEM.
  • CEM as a determinant of corporate strategy.
  • Coordination among managers of CEM methods.
  • Presentation of survey results to all employees.
  • Action on survey results by owners of CX key drivers.
  • Calculation of customer lifetime value (CLV).
  • Funding of cross-organizational collaboration.

Exclusive: This report shows the extensive advantages of each of these success factors.

Recommendations for stronger customer experience strategy, cross-organizational cooperation, and business results are provided throughout the report.

B2B CX Report sample 2nd

How practitioners are using the study:
B-to-B CX management
business to business CEM
B-to-B client experience

Request a Presentation, Assessment or Coaching

  • Ask for a key findings presentation for your executives and CX team.
  • Ask us to assess the quality of your CX strategy in a workshop and/or consulting analysis.

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