marketing operations studyModule A – Impact and Promise of Marketing Operations 2.0
Module B – Setup for Success: Enabling Strategy & Guidance
Module C – Designing Marketing Infrastructure for Results
Module D – The Journey to Marketing Operations Maturity

Module A – Impact and Promise of Marketing Operations 2.0

Class 1: MO Evolution
1) Pinpoint your internal and external marketing challenges
2) Characterize your challenges in the context of global trends driving the universal need for Marketing Operations
3) Learn how Marketing Operations solves the Marketing’s weaknesses

Class 2: Marketing Operations: An Essential Enabler in a Marketing 2.0 World
1) Build your business case for operational excellence
2) Envision the impact of market intelligence, customer profitability, accountability, and alignment with stakeholders
3) Use the collaborative principles of Web 2.0 and Marketing 2.0 in your approach to Marketing Operations

Module B – Setup for Success: Enabling Strategy & Guidance

Class 3: Enabling Strategy
1) Paint the big picture through gap analysis
2) Embrace mental models to build shared vision
3) Discover interrelationships through systems thinking
4) Convert insight to value through benchmarking, win-loss, and force-field analysis
5) Assess your organization’s Marketing effectiveness on 10 strategic dimensions

Class 4: Providing Guidance
1) Catalyze change without authority
2) Achieve shared vision with sales, finance, IT, and other stakeholders
3) Leverage Marketing Operations to achieve strategic objectives
4) Evaluate your organization’s capabilities for setting and enforcing standards (‘guidance’)

Class 5: Managing Internal Marketing Processes
1) Invest strategically and manage risk in budget plans
2) Optimize processes through lean/six-sigma and maturity ratings
3) Connect marketing strategies to enterprise strategic planning
4) Outline a risk mitigation strategy and business case for a desired Marketing initiative

Module C – Designing Marketing Infrastructure for Results

Class 6: Managing External Marketing Processes
1) Differentiate the customer experience
2) Champion customer-centricity
3) Create impact through integrated marketing campaigns
4) Drive sales pipeline value
5) Contribute to the innovation process through Marketing Operations

Class 7: Measuring Marketing Performance
1) Leverage forces on marketing ROI
2) Identify patterns and insights through data mining
3) Improve decision-making with predictive analytics
4) Apply the right metrics to your Marketing challenges

Class 8: Leveraging Technology
1) Navigate the Marketing automation alphabet soup (CRM, MOM, MRM, EMM, DAM, etc)
2) Adopt best practices for technology deployment
3) Build organizational learning through Knowledge Management (KM)
4) Use dashboards to increase accountability

Module D – The Journey to Marketing Operations Maturity

Class 9: Best Practices for Managing Marketing Operations
1) Establish MO organizational structure, charter and roles
2) Prevent obstacles and nurture success factors
3) Design your maturity roadmap by following best practices