Handbook for engaging employees in customer experience improvement. How to expand cross-organizational collaboration in acting on customer feedback through systems thinking, change management, systemic improvement techniques, team recognition, and balanced scorecards.
Customer experience improvement can be exciting at first, and keeping everyone engaged can be challenging over time. This ehandbook describes proven methods for gaining momentum and practical tools for engaging employees company-wide. Apply systems thinking, change management and internal branding for significant breakthroughs in customer experience results.
- More than 20 tools and techniques
- Step-by-step guidelines
- 40 succinct pages for rapid knowledge boost
- Easy navigation throughout to any section or page
A straightforward guide to meaningful employee engagement at all levels throughout the company. Practical worksheets and guidelines are the focus of this handbook.
- Gain cooperation across organizations and channels for customer experience initiatives.
- Agree on common definitions of customer metrics and priorities.
- Build customer-centricity into your culture.
- Fix broken linkages between data and actions, incentives and behaviors, survey results and business results.
- Learn how to use systems thinking, change management and internal branding for big gains in return on investment for customer programs.