What is Customer Centric Culture?
What is Customer Centric Culture? Customer-centricity is the degree to which customers are the central focus. Since culture is a group’s ways of thinking and doing, customer-centric culture is the degree to which customers are respected in a group’s decision-making and actions.
See also:
Customer Experience Playbook
Lynn Hunsaker
Lynn Hunsaker led customer experience excellence for many years at Fortune-250 global manufacturers as Head of Corporate Quality & CX, Voice of Customer Manager, Customer Satisfaction Improvement Manager, Strategic Information Manager, and Marketing Director. She is a Certified Customer Experience Professional, Professional Certified Marketer and Certified MBTI Practitioner. Lynn created the world's 1st approved online CCXP prep course and she taught 24 university courses. She conducted the world’s 1st marketing operations practices study and the world's 1st global B2B CX practices study. Lynn has served on the CXPA board of directors and as president of SVAMA and BAAPT. At CustomerThink.com, she is 1 of 5 Hall of Fame recipients and was #1 Author of the Year in 2015, 2017, 2023, 2024. Connect at https://linkedin.com/in/lynnhunsaker/