marketing accountabilityAre you getting ahead by tapping into the full power of accountability in your Marketing group? Here are 10 ways Marketing accountability is like leapfrogging the status quo to find your super powers:

  1. Focus on the right metrics the right way to validate business cases
  2. Use metrics to prioritize effort & investment
  3. Avoid duplication of effort & investment to get more from what you have
  4. Simplify workflows & handoffs to reduce chaos
  5. Improve commitment follow-through to increase morale
  6. Zero-in on early signals to reduce risk and delays
  7. Strengthen people & process aspects of your martech stack to improve ROI
  8. Smooth engagement & handoffs to increase integrity & actionability of data
  9. Cater to right- & left-brain preferences to improve decision-making rationale
  10. Maintain a consistent track record to build trust for expanding resources

What a wonderful world it would be to master these 10 marketing accountability success factors. It takes a concerted effort and lots of practice. And having a handful of “accountability masters” in your group is great, yet insufficient. It only takes one bad apple to spoil the barrel.

For these reasons we created the ClearAction Value Exchange. It’s a breakthrough method for leapfrogging the status quo. Annual group membership gives your whole team opportunities to make mini plans on their mobile devices or computers on-the-go. Experimentation and group conversations through a treasure trove of Marketing-specific accountability resources propels your progress along the maturity curve.

As the pace of change increases, customer segments multiply, and transparency and pressure to create value intensifies, mastery of Marketing accountability is a must!

This is the 1st article in a series:

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